"Then let's look on the bright side: we're having an adventure. . . and most people live and die without being as lucky as we are"
-- The Princess Bride

Friday, July 15, 2011

Of course... I'm an elf

Harry Potter 7 premiere last night! Having never attended a midnight showing I asked Kris if he would mind going to this one, his response was to go online and buy tickets immediatly.  So with the knowledge that I was going to be staying up pretty late last night I prepared for the show by attempting to take a nap, this did not work, I was cranky by the time we got into the theater at 10:30.  The fact that it was chock full o' high schoolers only made me more irritable and getting to yell at one of the little brats did not relieve me of any of the tension I was now carrying in my grown up shoulders.


The movie was good, the screenplay was definitely loosely based on the book in some areas (why was there a boat house? what was the point there?) but to avoid being a spoiler I will stop there.  I enjoyed the film but think that overall my very favorite is still #3.

So in honor of Harry Potters defeat of the Dark Hollywood Empire Lord, here are some fun pictures I found on the internet


He is super studly, WTF.


  1. So what part of not spoiling the ending is this comment:

    Harry Potters defeat of the Dark Hollywood Empire Lord,

  2. everyone knows about that! I meant I wasn't going to spoil all the silly changes they made. minus the stupid boathouse.
