While I don't take to politics well, and feel that conversations about money and ideology should be left alone in polite company. I did have a startling revelation today. The post office is going through a rapid decline. A service that I would consider to be one of the most important has seen better days.
I dropped a package off at my friendly neighborhood USPS this morning and was the only person there minus the lovely woman working. I mean, literally, the only person. No cars in the parking lot, nobody buying stamps. I felt like I was personally saving the post office from being one day closer to shutting down.
The dim lights, the defunct stamp machine in the corner, the ratty display of sad birthday and holiday wrappings. It was all just a reminder of how much we as a country have switched to the world of the internet. It's so easy to pop off an email, but really who doesn't love getting physical mail? I got a postcard from Kim (who is off traveling in far away lands) and it made my day, no, my week a little brighter.
Amid the collections of catalogues and Bed Bath & Beyond 10% off coupons I receive, it is rare to actually get a piece of mail. And that is worrisome because the postal service needs us. So go do your part, send a real letter, mail a birthday gift (mine was for a 4 year old and was 2 months late), or go buy some damn stamps. It is just so depressing to see a system collapse.
Agreed. Postcard #2 was mailed on Monday.