"Then let's look on the bright side: we're having an adventure. . . and most people live and die without being as lucky as we are"
-- The Princess Bride

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Back in high school I detested Valentines day, something about the combination of already despising my peers who were making out in hallways and the fact that I had nobody to do so with created a flurry of feelings perilously close to hate.  So I celebrated Anti-Valentines day, a day where I pretended it was just another normal weekday and went on with business.

Even while I have been dating people, the concept of Valentines day eludes me.  Don't get me wrong, I love a random present now and again, but basing a romantic holiday on a massacre? That seems a little effed-up.

So today I am in North Carolina with my mom, and Kris is in California with his coworkers and I think that we will be perfectly content to treat today as a normal Tuesday.  But he better not forget about our anniversary, or there will be a new holiday celebrated in the future based on a different massacre.


Best Valentines Day Card (Thanks Facebook)

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