"Then let's look on the bright side: we're having an adventure. . . and most people live and die without being as lucky as we are"
-- The Princess Bride

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Books and Baking

My life as a housewife seems to be starting prematurely.  Yesterday, while home I read David Lebovitz's "The Sweet Life in Paris" in one sitting.  Well that's a lie actually, I got up halfway through to go to Berkeley Bowl so I could buy ingredients to make a recipe in the book.  And what was so magnificent that I couldn't wait to start baking? Bacon & Bleu Cheese Cake, a french-ish recipe that combines the deliciousness of all my favorite things into a loaf of light fluffy bread!

It was easy, it was fast, it was cheap, it was delicious.  This morning I woke up and kept the housewifery coming by putting a thick slice in the oven to warm up and then topped it with a drizzling of maple syrup and a fried egg (thanks to Lydia's Facebook suggestion.)

The second time around was even better than the first and I basically know what I am going to be eating until I run out of bread and/or eggs and/or maple syrup.  I gobbled it down so quick there wasn't even time to snap a photo of my breakfast masterpiece.

If you want to know more about this delicious book check out my review of Lebovitz's book over at my Book Blog, "A Year In Books".  For the recipe click the "read more" button below!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentines Day

Back in high school I detested Valentines day, something about the combination of already despising my peers who were making out in hallways and the fact that I had nobody to do so with created a flurry of feelings perilously close to hate.  So I celebrated Anti-Valentines day, a day where I pretended it was just another normal weekday and went on with business.

Even while I have been dating people, the concept of Valentines day eludes me.  Don't get me wrong, I love a random present now and again, but basing a romantic holiday on a massacre? That seems a little effed-up.

So today I am in North Carolina with my mom, and Kris is in California with his coworkers and I think that we will be perfectly content to treat today as a normal Tuesday.  But he better not forget about our anniversary, or there will be a new holiday celebrated in the future based on a different massacre.


Best Valentines Day Card (Thanks Facebook)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reporting LIVE From North Carolina

Got into Charlotte last night and had a great dinner at home with my mom and dad.  Goulash is one of my very favorite recipes so it was a nice treat to get right off the plane!  Now I have slept for 10 hours, and am eating cookies while fiddling about on the internet waiting for Kristen to call.

My cousin (Kristen) and I are going to be doing some activities this afternoon, although I don't really think either of us know what they are yet.  Probably some window shopping and hopefully eating some tiny cakes or other tasty little delectables.  Who knows, not me.

More updates to come!

EDIT: I found TWO awesome old blazers in my closet I had forgotten about, one is black velvet (a classy little number) and the second is green plaid.  This is already a great trip and it has only just begun.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Heartbreak and Muffed Punts

This is a bit late, but the Superbowl was last Sunday! And apparently the weekend before some things happened that were no good for the forty-niners.  One of these things was called a "muffed Punt."  Which as we all know means to. . . uhh. . . muff a punt?

What this means for me, is that I have a new favorite insult to yell at people while driving!

So watch out.